Saturday, 9 April 2016

Evaluation 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

In order to gain final ideas for my final product of my ancillary task, and music video I had to gather audience feedback from peers and other audiences in order for my strengths and weaknesses to be pointed out, therefore allowing me to make the most successful product I possibly could. But also this allowed me to acknowledge my target audience's needs, as they pointed out the shots i needed to keep and ditch and guided me to a better and stronger idea. I gathered audience feedback in a variety of ways such as, Teachers feedback, questionnaires, peer feedback and social media.

Questionnaires;   Questionnaires allowed me to collect a large amount of primary data which was seen as reliable date. I asked around 20 students both female and male, from the age of 17-21 as these were my target audience and I wanted to appeal to their needs, therefore by asking them simple questions allowed me to acknowledge their likes/dislikes and allowed me to change and improve my product to reach out to them as a target audience more. All questionnaires had the same questions in order to gain reliable data which enabled me to create the most successful product. Although the questionnaires were designed for my overall product, the main focus was my music video, as I needed feedback to make changes to my editing skills and shots to make sure my music video fit the genre of the song I had chosen. Below are examples of a male and female response to the questionnaires which I produced myself;

Surveys; I also held surveys asking seven people all of the age of my target audience (18-21) whether they thought they ancillary task related well with the music video. This enabled me to gather primary research into the positive and negatives of my products allowing me to make changes to better my products. Below is a graph of the results of my survey:

Key comments made:
The majority of people asked thought that my products related well to one another, as the theme of golden was repeated throughout my products which created lyrical meaning behind the song, also they thought the background/setting was used extremely successfully as this created an elegant touch to the music video which was continued into my digipak and magazine advert, which helped towards creating a brand identity for all my products.  However some criticism made by Ashley and James, was that all three products have different purposes behind the selling of the song and album itself therefore they felt all three products should of had a different unique twist to help separate each product, giving them all a different selling purpose. Therefore from this audience feedback I learnt that I wanted to keep the theme running through all my products to represent the genre and my chosen song whilst creating a brand identity with my main selling point being focused on the female protagonist, I also learnt that I needed to try and separate each product to give them a different purpose of selling each product. 

Teacher and pupil feedback

Audience feedback on my final cut from my fellow pupils and teacher were that some of my shots were still too dark and I therefore needed to enlighten shots to continue the bright, light golden theme. Also some of my lip syncing was still out of time and I therefore needed to continue editing my lip syncing in time with the beat as well as the lip syncing. Also due to my fellow students all creating products of their own this allowed several ideas from themselves which help broaden my imagination creating more inventive shots and helped me play around with the shots for my music video but also my digipak, as a typical convention of my chosen genre is seen to be quite inventive and quirky. 

I also received feedback on my other products such as my magazine advert, above is a rejected image that my fellow class mates and teacher agreed that this image was an incorrect image to use for several reasons such as, the title blends into the background taking away the main selling point which is the artist and the title of the song which could potentially affect how much my product sells, also the images are all the same which just causes confusion to the eye and looks unprofessional. Therefore from this feedback helped me create a much better product which related much more successfully to my chosen genre. 

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog was very Informative and Interesting. I liked how you explained the purpose of software's anybody who is new to the IT world
    would understand it easily.
