Tuesday, 20 October 2015

My artist LarsM- Background information

After choosing my artist and the song I decided to do some background research into my artist and what inspired them to take the route of creating music. LarsM is a 21 year old up and coming artist. Her passion for music was ignited in 2010 after hearing successful artists such as AVICII and Eric Prydz. After realising how successful these artists started to become, LarsM began to thrive a victorious success like their own. Her music would be seen to fit in the genre house, however some of her songs would be seen to have a slight pop twist. LarsM has only recently in the past four years started to create her own songs however she describes how she has always wanted to be in the music industry.

Above is an image of a site my artist uses to promote themselves as an artist but also their songs. The graph presents her success as an artist which has increased massively in just months, therefore I felt by choosing a successful artist with songs which not only myself enjoys but many other people too, I felt it would enable me to create a music video which would represent the artist well.

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