"Crooked Smile" is a song by an American hip hop artist and record producer J Cole, which was released June 4 2013., with the group TLC also featuring in the song. The song won impact track of 2013 BET Hip-Hop awards. The song would fit in the genre R&B/Hip- Hop.
The music video begins with a mid shot of the artist himself sat in what seems to be a police car, which then cuts to a flash back of what we assume to be the the morning before the events of him being arrested with digetic sound, which then jump cuts to another male whom is anonymous and unidentified who is later seen to be a police officer to the audience participating in the same activity, of brushing his teeth which is shown by another mid shot. The video jump cuts back and forth of both males showing their daily morning routines which differs from characters with a variety of camera shots such as long shots, which is shown when J Cole is seen to be mowing his grass which would be seen to be a domestic normal activity,which then cuts to several other mid shots if him carrying on his domestic duties such as preparing a birthday cake and setting up a bbq, which allows the audience to assume he is going to be having some kind of gathering/party, whilst non digetic sound of the song is playing in the background.
The video then cuts to a mid shot of a shot reverse shot of the other male on a dinner table eating breakfast with whom we assume to be his daughter. A jump cut to another mid shot is used of J Cole stuffing what seems to be marijuna in the sole of his shoe, which the cuts to an extreme close up of a police officers uniform and badge which we later learn is the other male, therefore allowing clues to the audience of what the video is about. An establishing shot is then used to show what seems to be the family of J Cole coming to visit him, which then shows a mid shot of his sister jump in his arms, which could suggest the don't see each other on a regular basis which is expressed through their facial expressions. Another mid shot is used to show him greeting his other family members which are shown to be his mother and father. A close up is then used of sparklers which suggests celebration. A dark mid shot is then used of the other male still dressed in his police uniform in a van speaking to others in his environment, also containing digetic sound of walkie talkies which gives hints to the audience.
Another establishing shot is used to confirm the celebration of the young girls birthday as she is sat on a table blowing out candles, whilst digetic sound is used as her family members sing happy birthday to her. A jump cut of a mid shot with the use of digetic sound of the others singing happy birthday continues, the other male is shown still in the dark lighting transporting in a van, speaking to others however we can not hear as a listener what he is saying. The establishing shot is then used again showing the young girl to be blowing her candles out, which then continues showing her family members cutting the cake and passing it round the table, whilst jump cuts are still continuing of the other male.
An establishing shot to an extreme close up shows the house where the celebration is occurring, to a black van pulling up outside of the house, which then uses another establishing long shot of several males in black uniform run up and rade the house. A mid shot is then used of the young girl in bed holding tight to her teddy bear, which then cuts to a long shot of the male played by J Cole being arrested, by the male we have seen throughout the video. There is a long shot of an officer who is also holding a gun when this event is happening. Digetic sound is then used which creates a tense atmosphere which then cuts to a close up of another officer entering the hallway, as the young girl comes out of her room, a mid shot is used of the officer firing down the young girl. Which uses the digetic sound of a gunshot and then cuts to a black screen, which represents death. A flashback is then used of the young girl in a mid shot of her playing with a sparkler, which represents the previous celebrations and events that occurred for her birthday. A mid shot is then used of the police officer who shot the young girl standing at the door way, which then cuts to mid shots of sparklers being set off emphasizing how quick the events have occurred taking a young girls life.
A close up of the male played by j cole is used whilst he is sat in a police car, showing his emotional state. Which then cuts to the male officer in a mid shot showing regret and sadness as a facial expression. A two shot is then used of two girls which have been seen previously in the video the young girl who was seen at the breakfast table and the young girl who was killed by a police officer in a light environment, drawing colorful pictures suggesting they are now in heaven and have become friends. Or it could be seen as the two young girls attended school together and were friends. An establishing shot is then used of the young girls body being carried out of the house. Which finally cut to a mid shot of the male sat in a police car watching the young girl be carried out.
The artist of this video tributes this video to a young girl whom this happened to in reality, and states her name at the end of the video. This video is therefore an illustration video as the video represents the lyrics.